The new AX1500G goes beyond any existing multi-effect unit in its sound, design and ease of use. It's a further evolution of the award-winning AX1000G.
Purchased from: Academy Of Sound
Ease of Use: This multi effects pedal is realy easy to use if you give the manual a read. It has 48 preset effect programmes from super heavy ditortion, to light overdriven and smooth clean sounds. It has loads of effects I've never heard of before buying this like filtron, talk box, ring modulator pitchshifter etc, so you can get some realy cool wierd sounds. It also idividual mode aswell allowing you to make your own programmes how you want to. Editing is realy easy with simple controls and dials etc. // 8
Sound: This pedal has a great sound. I'm using a Epiphone Les Paul Studio with it and a Roland Microcube amp and I can get a wide variety of tones from it with these. Only use this pedal with a clean setting on your amp, if use ditortion on top of the ditortion you're already using it gets quite noisey. The effects sound realy natrual and some of the ditortions you can get are great, also you can simulate cabs which also sound realistic and very natrual. It's great for getting sounds of almost any artists from Hendrix, to blink to even Metallica and SOAD if you want it. The effects from the expresion pedal are also very impressive, from a nice wha and delay effects to screaming ring modulators. It also has a Phase Trainer, allowing you to record a rhythm rif and play a lead over it which is very nice for playing songs without using two guitars. // 10
Reliability & Durability: Its a realy tough pedal, the bulk of it made of metal with rubber on the bottom to stop it slipping about. I doubt this will ever get seriousley damaged and I have played it live once before and would deffinetly use it again live. // 10
Impression: I play mostly punk, classic rock and metal and this creates mostly perfect sounds for this and any sort of music realy and the loads of diffrent effects puts that extra edge to your playing. I've been playing for more than three years now and this about a year and I can realy depend on it whtever I'm playing. This combined with my amp and guitar makes a very nice trio. It has its flaws of course, like if you have it for a while the preset programmes start to sound very similar but you can create your own anyway. All the effects can be edited to the way you want them to sound and there is so many you get neary endless possibilities of tones. My only realy issue is the preset proggrammes as I said before but otherwise it a good pedal and well worth the money as it will probably last forever.
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nb (nambah):
trus klo bisa, ajarin dong carax ngemix ax1500 dgn gt-8. thx a lot mas y..........
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