The new AX3000G satiates that need with a powerful multi-effect processor that reaches far beyond its predecessors. Featuring Korg's proprietary "REMS" modeling technology, the AX3000G delivers high-quality modeling sounds and numerous ways to control those sounds in real time.
Price paid: $ 378
Purchased from: BTM
Ease of Use: It's really simple to use! After 5 minutes of messing around I found all options how to use it and edit the menu. Actually I didn't need any manual because it's self explaining but taking a look inside the manual can be helpfull, too. // 10
Sound: I'm using a Behringer V-Ampire 100w amp and it rocks! Korg made a good job in noise reduction, I guess, even on the max. Setting of gain and volume it's still clear and punchy. The effects are great. I love the metal distortion so much, it gives me so many sounds. The other amp simulations also are great, for clean I'm using the boutique 'cause it's the clearest I figured. // 10
Reliability & Durability: It's pretty solid so I guess it will withstand alot. Since all of my effects are in there I trust in it. In emergency I'd use my DigiTech RP200A but only in the worst case. // 10
Impression: My style tends to be more metal but I also play Satriani, Vai, that kind of stuff. This effect processor gives me everything I want for that. I compared it to a Boss 50ME and a Live POD. I decided to buy the Korg 'cause the Live POD was too expensive and in comparison it's not worth. The Boss was similiar but I liked the Korg more because I found it more punchy in the distortion sounds. Well, nothing to add anymore. Just check it out when you get the chance!
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i´m a ax3000g user!
things unit rockz everything! i love it so much, so i decided to launch a blog in the internet about this effectprocessor. visit www.ax3000g.blogspot.com to know more about it
keep in touch! nice site! :)
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